Title: they have to wait for the light,
created on 18 Nov 12

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. methusalinka wrote:
 for long..and then it comes..and all the bits burried in the deep and now by time and weather lifted, glitter
2. bluemoon wrote:
 very good!
3. methusalinka wrote:
 tak bluemoon.you just complimented one of the pics I was so near to delete.glad I didnot.
4. Lizzi wrote:
 So mysterious!
5. methusalinka wrote:
 do you realy see it as mystery.to me its not.but just tales about to be. us or all else.but thanks for reacting on my pic.thats sure worth a lot to me.linka
6. clorophilla wrote:
 as always a long story is hided inside. Great PB, straight in my FAVs it goes!
7. methusalinka wrote:
 tak clo.sadness too can be a shell around a pure joy,if only we get to the middle.after that we are on our way out.I have not come to that middle yet.
8. methusalinka wrote:
 but I begin again to believe I shall.thats what sharing ones inner hopes can do.and kindness too.a smile surrounded with tears..from linka.