Title: Mele Kalikimaka
created on 27 Sep 12

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Comments on this picture (16):
1. Angela wrote:
 I have no option to add to showcase... that line is not showing on this pic at all but it does for my others that I do not want in showcase... hm
2. mdawrcn wrote:
 Sorry Angela, but I think it is because "only pictures in the Avatars, Beads, Gothic, Lunartics and Space themes can be entered" into the showcase.
3. Lizzi wrote:
 Oho! no fruity Xmas trees need apply, no matter how appetizing they look!
4. Normal wrote:
5. Normal wrote:
 Sorry! I only now saw there were rules and that the current showcase is a competition for an actual card! Presumably, they have their reasons. Revolt called off!
6. linmar wrote:
 sweet tree - is the title a greeting in a different language?
7. priya41 wrote:
 ditto linmar
8. indigo wrote:
 Beautiful tree! Love that movie! ^J^
9. pinkie wrote:
 Very nice tree!. Creative use of the fruit!
10. Angela wrote:
 http://youtu.be/hEvGKUXW0iI It's Hawaiian. And oops, I did not read the rules of engagement.
11. Angela wrote:
 Well that link seems not to work but it's on youtube, delightful little Hawaiian Christmas song.
12. sandm wrote:
13. sheftali52 wrote:
 As one born and raised in Hawaii, this is delightful!!
14. Lizzi wrote:
 Congratulations on your Top 5!
15. Angela wrote:
 WHAT!?! Twice? Thanks Lizzi.
16. pinkie wrote:
 Congratulations on your Top5!

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