Title: embracing winter
created on 15 Sep 12

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Comments on this picture (26):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 I like this and I like the concept of celebrating the challenge that winter presents. That otter nose is SO frosty!
2. methusalinka wrote:
 tak lizzi! yes I love it for its waiting.that is never invain.hi from linka
3. clorophilla wrote:
 "Otterly" beautiful! ;-)
4. Normal wrote:
 Not yet, please! Beautifully done.
5. Lolla wrote:
 Tonight is freezing cold in SA and this snowy picture brings no comfort. We love the sun!! It is pretty but just to cold for me. Good night.
6. AFSOUTH wrote:
 What a true and wonderful winter wonderland effect you have made here Linka!
7. linmar wrote:
 beautiful winter scene! had lots of fun as a child in the snow, now i enjoy pics of it while i am surrounded by green ;)
8. methusalinka wrote:
 ok linmar so its still there for you and also for you AFSOUTH! SOME LIKE IT HOT.some like it not.to all you from all me.otters frosen snut and dreams of automns mild days.when flowers train their wings.
9. linmar wrote:
10. bluemoon wrote:
 this is beautiful to look at
11. kata wrote:
 what a beautiful winter scene!
12. Lizzi wrote:
 You did this with only TWO pieces!
13. lesley_gene wrote:
 I see a peacefulness in this gentle onset of winter. We rarely see snow here, but I find this beautiful.!
14. indigo wrote:
 WONDERFUL winter wonderland!! ^J^
15. sandm wrote:
16. methusalinka wrote:
 so many TDfriends here tak tak tak tak tak tak tak! thats all for now.have to sleep and up eyarly at eldercenter. but monday after 7pm I amback here with all you.I have grown accumsted to being here and love it.godnat linka
17. methusalinka wrote:
 ...who embrace you all!
18. hjjr wrote:
 quite nice!
19. Login wrote:
 Im with linmar. Loved it as a child (except for the pain as my fingers thawed out). Now I prefer to look at it than be in it. Love your representation.
20. brigsis wrote:
 Love it! Only two pieces too! I'm becoming a fan of animals so love this so much!
21. Lizzi wrote:
 Congratulations, Linka!! Two Top 5 pictures in September!!
22. methusalinka wrote:
 tak to both of you.lizzi and brigsis I had not looked it up .I am pausing TD as you know. only the qsilv.pic made me reply.as it got so close.being mom to my son who had clefted lips and gum when he was born.made me have to tell .. but
23. methusalinka wrote:
 to see now that I got chosen on 2pics.waw didnot know.happy. thanks for reminding me of this.makes me feel still part of you all.linka
24. bluemoon wrote:
 congratulations from me too!
25. methusalinka wrote:
 tak bluemoon for telling me that.it has become not first priority these weeks.but I come back and try again, and be together with you.when I can.have a healthy and beautiful fall.linka
26. chelydra wrote: