Title: I zfinkens stille natterum
created on 28 Aug 12

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. indigo wrote:
 Beautiful tree, sky and moon. The white part I'm not sure. At first I thought a grotto. I also tried to translate your title but it did not work. Anyway it's a lovely picture linka. ^J^
2. methusalinka wrote:
  hi indigo i hurry to tell you:" in the ZPHINK`s silent nightroom" was in engl.the title,so the white should be the ZPHINKS; but I must spell it wrong,you know those figures in front of some Pyramidesin Egypt..oops I am on slippery ice now, as this is
3. methusalinka wrote:
 surely only I who can see that Zphinks..in there. and I dont know how to spell it,half animal, often half lion, half man,that was the intention,
4. methusalinka wrote:
 but its great to me that you liked the tree.and the picture.hi from linka who only have time for this comment now,see you later.. that is my time now 7,19pm shall vote and comment appr.9-10pm I hope!
5. Lizzi wrote:
 sphinx! This is so full of power and tubulence. Gripping!
6. priya41 wrote:
 ditto Lizzi!
7. Lizzi wrote:
 Tsk! I mean turbulence.