Title: not humming, but trompetcall
created on 23 Aug 12

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. five wrote:
 good focal points
2. chelydra wrote:
 you keep getting better at this every time I look, and I look three or four times a day!
3. methusalinka wrote:
 tak master. I look listen and learn bit by bit.and I love it.most of the time,even when its shitpics..
4. methusalinka wrote:
 or lost ones,like this last night,good to know that "you do!" hi from methuza and tak for faves.
5. clorophilla wrote:
 love the smiling bug under the flower :-)
6. methusalinka wrote:
 this is fun. some times the picture need so much others eyes and hearts..to be found. here you found the smiling one, I didnot know was there.till you told me.godnat clo:o)
7. methusalinka wrote:
 and five! now I have looked it up focal points.I had an idea.but a vague one,so google told me and now I know a bit. used in fotografy too...some point to hold on to with your eyes. and care to do it for that long it takes to get into the picture.I wo
8. methusalinka wrote:
 I would add.and glad the pic has them.tak for telling me.