Title: Bloddeuwedd
created on 11 Jun 12

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. alexi wrote:
 Greatly inspired by porkyporks
2. alexi wrote:
 Here's how the story goes: There was once an old wizard. (I'll just put all my personal comments in brackets) the wizard had a nephew. (the nephew was about mid-twenties id guess.) Anyways, the nephew longed for a wife but none of the ladies really liked
3. alexi wrote:
 him. (I guess he was a bit of a bum.) The wizard loved his nephew and hated to see him sad so he decided to make a woman for his nephew. (Its the olden days so really anything is possible.) He made a woman out of flower petals and named her Bloddeuwedd.
4. alexi wrote:
 She was incredibly beautiful (she looked like a woman not a flower) and the nephew fell in love with her on sight. But Bloddeuwedd fell in love with another man (clearly, she did not want to marry a bum either) and together, they killed the nephew. (Don't
5. alexi wrote:
 ask me why.) The wizard was distraught (is that how you spell it) over the death of his nephew and , in his rage, turned Bloddeuwedd into an owl. That is why to this day the hoot of an owl sounds like a crying woman. THE END
6. alexi wrote:
 Before you ask, I didn't make it up. It's an actual story.
7. porkyporks wrote:
 nice! the hair looks really pretty and the story is pretty interesting, i love your little comments too!
8. Angelia wrote:
 very pretty poem, and pic.

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