Title: 'Can't come skating. Gotta do a picture
created on 02 Jan 09

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. lynnspotter wrote:
 Go ahead Login, take a break & skate! Then you can draw a pic of it!!
2. puzzler wrote:
 Login, you don't look too good. What's that blob of green behind you?
3. Login wrote:
 That's my bubblegum ... had to put it somewhere.
4. BevL wrote:
 Looks like you could be dehydrated, better get something to drink.
5. pollyesther wrote:
6. Qsilv wrote:
7. sootyunicorn wrote:
 I love that you have an ongoing character! Very clever.
8. chelydra wrote:
 Noticed your queries and pleas. At least five accounts were entirely deleted at the same time. And yes, it was something we said. End of story. Nice picture, BTW.
9. chelydra wrote:
 Will add some comments elsewhere to make this one less visible if anyone is checking.