Title: R.I.P Casey 2011-2012 :.{
created on 04 Apr 12

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. jaybuddy wrote:
 she survived a day more than Bobbie.And I buried her not ate her.
2. mgc2001 wrote:
 poor chickens! Feel bad for you. Nice work! :-)
3. alexischilli wrote:
 Casey loved you Jaybuddy. Great dedication to her.
4. Lizzi wrote:
 I'm so sorry about Casey and Bobbie. I hope you won't be losing any more pets for a long time.
5. clorophilla wrote:
 Sorry fory casey and bobbie... people often don't imagine how much chickens can be smart and friendly fonded to humans
6. flowerapo wrote:
 Bye Bye casey!sex
7. flowerapo wrote:
 oops, what the heck?