Title: Traditions
created on 14 Dec 11

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. Arw65 wrote:
 When I was little my parents would get a small live christmas tree- and every year we'd decorate the tiny tree with tiny blue lights, and tiny blue ornaments. one year they decided to plant the tree- it's now taller than the house :)
2. mrozowski wrote:
 What a lovely tradition and a lovely ornament.
3. polenta wrote:
 merry Christmas Arw, great to know your family's tradition. You're one of our best artists.
4. hjjr wrote:
 good Christmas story... lovely ornament
5. Normal wrote:
 Lovely memory, beautifully illustrated!
6. GMTJ wrote:
 Beautiful colors
7. linmar wrote:
 thank you for sharing your memory - Merry Christmas to you and yours!
8. suzze wrote: