Title: i married a horse
created on 03 Dec 11

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Comments on this picture (16):
1. hanging wrote:
 (did she??? :)) gentle and warm, very nice.
2. Lizzi wrote:
 You certainly did. At first sight I saw only the horse but the next time I saw you. It's a match made in heaven.
3. clorophilla wrote:
 I saw the girl and then the horse... sooooo coooooool!!
4. Normal wrote:
 There's a coincidence - I married a horse's patootie. Lovely girl; cant find the horse.
5. Normal wrote:
 Oh! There he is. Saw him just fine in the small version.
6. Lizzi wrote:
  LOL>Normal!!!!:O ...
7. sandm wrote:
 masterfully ambiguous!! found the word I´ve been looking for in the optical illusions - forum:)
8. Chrissyjoy wrote:
 Has anyone ever told you you're a genius??!!! Wonderful! (and I hope this isn't true in reality! :) )
9. TalkingCookie wrote:
 this is soo cool!!! at first i saw the girl then it took me a while to see the horse but i found it! truly amazing!!
10. Hazer wrote:
 Excellent! This would fit in optical illusions challenge as well.
11. hanging wrote:
 ...had to come back to this. How did you get that clever? Both look so peacefully happy.
12. Login wrote:
 The woman's face is beautiful. Didn't see the horse at first ... cleverly done.
13. lesley_gene wrote:
14. clrmered wrote:
 Amazing talent
15. katidid wrote:
 This is so neat! So clever!
16. five wrote:
 Somehow I missed commenting/voting on this when it was drawn -- superb.