Title: Cozy Knitted Fabrics
created on 21 Sep 11

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. linmar wrote:
 very nice!
2. pinkie wrote:
 Very nice and realistic picture - well done! Like the title!
3. priya41 wrote:
 ditto pinkie!
4. Login wrote:
 This looks like one of the warm blankets that my Aunt used to make when she could still see well enough to do it.
5. 56rosie wrote:
 My mother used to make these knitted square patchwork afgans. We always had one thrown over the recliner for the chilly evenings! I miss her terribly.
6. Normal wrote:
 The one I keep is crocheted yarn squares - same idea. She made it to go with the furniture I had back in 1978. This is a neat picture of knit/purl!
7. Chrissyjoy wrote:
 This is very effective, looks very realistic and 3D