Title: Hyman Bloom
created on 22 Jun 11

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Comments on this picture (35):
1. KJLavigne wrote:
 Colorful and great movement.
2. KJLavigne wrote:
 Now I see the face! Clever!
3. hjjr wrote:
 wow, chelydra - great likeness and fun use of pieces
4. chelydra wrote:
 Hyman Bloom (1913-2009) was perhaps the most underrated painter in the history of American art. The reclusive founder/elder of what's now dubbed Boston Expressionism.
5. chelydra wrote:
 Bloom almost got the recognition he deserved circa 1950-55, then the Rockefeller-Guggenheim Art Machine went with the New York School (Pollack, Rothko et al) instead, perhaps because they were squeamish about the organic imagery in Bloom's work...
6. chelydra wrote:
 ...and felt the cosmic nihilism of the New Yorkers was more consistent with their own vision.
7. chelydra wrote:
 ...in which human life is absorbed and erased in the raw power of absolute abstraction (whether financial or artistic).
8. Normal wrote:
 Love the commentary! Interesting facial construction.
9. chelydra wrote:
 Circa 1967, I went into a Newbury Street gallery when the proprietor was fitting a piece of canvas into his hat. It was a remnant of a Bloom painting that HB had just slashed to ribbons. I was given a piece; I thought I'd treasure it forever (Bloom was a
10. chelydra wrote:
 ...local legend already; my art history prof told us HB handled paint better than anyone since Rembrandt, which I think was actually true, not just rooting for the home team)...
11. chelydra wrote:
 ...A couple of years later I nice man with the hat had been slashed to ribbons on the doorstep of his gallery, but Bloom was not a suspect so far as I know. His followers told me it was unthinkable that HB would do such a thing.
12. chelydra wrote:
 At some point I realized the precious scrap of canvas was nowhere to be found. My punishment for thinking ill of the painter-slasher, I guess.
13. chelydra wrote:
 Note 11 above is supposed to say "...later I heard the nice man..."
14. hjjr wrote:
 ... wonderful story, well told.
15. abbielyons8 wrote:
 what is it is it a piece of poo
16. chelydra wrote:
 pooeyness is in the eye of the beholder
17. Chrissyjoy wrote:
 It's fabulous in the eye of this beholder! :) I love your story too, what a shame you mislaid your precious scrap from HB! Fingers crossed someday it will turn up again to suprise you!
18. lesley_gene wrote:
 Thank you for the background story! Makes the picture come to life!
19. five wrote:
 It's excellent, both as a thumbnail and a bigger pic. As for my making "significant" work, I must tell you I seem to have run into a giant roadblock :). On Morandi, didn't we get you over to the other side already???? Capitulate.
20. 56rosie wrote:
 Wow...Well told story of Bloom. I have never known of his work and will look into it! Great work in creating a face with lunartics!
21. gimzer wrote:
 Unfathomable talent. Just wow.
22. mum23 wrote:
 Great story! Good to see you dropping in. Wonderful pic, too!
23. clorophilla wrote:
 I googled Bloom: amazing!! And never told of him at school, what a blame! Thanks for drawing again and giving us your pieces of knowledge far beyond pictures!
24. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Very impressive indeed!
25. hanging wrote:
 Thank you for the story and beautiful face of him. Your pic is spiritual.
26. mdawrcn wrote:
27. Login wrote:
 You've captured the essence of him ... and you use lunartics so creatively. Thanks for the background story.
28. MusicJo wrote:
 You have created this with such imagination.It's beautiful and light as a feather.
29. Qsilv wrote:
 Thank you for the window... makes it tempting to go looking for a door
30. hxxhxx wrote:
 wow! how did you know my brain would integrate the pieces into a face? Your story is absolutely WONDERFUL, there should be a TD contest for best context story for a picture, and you would WIN
31. Qsilv wrote:
 and hey, you did win -- a spot alongside jigsawdoku this evening! Startling, strong, delightful. ;>
32. chelydra wrote:
 thanx all see youse later
33. bluemoon wrote:
34. lesley_gene wrote:
 Congratulations on top 5!
35. NADIA wrote:
 This is Stunning and I love the way you educated us with the backround on the pic.Well done!!

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