Title: Dodger Blue
created on 30 May 11

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. Burgandy wrote:
 Hey batter - hey batter! The all American sport. I am watching the French Open right now:)
2. indigo wrote:
 Nicely done! I'm getting ready for the Stanley Cup! Hockey and baseball are my two favs. My husband and I use to go to Montreal Expos games.
3. mdawrcn wrote:
4. Normal wrote:
 Well-made cap! You're ready for the season.
5. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Go Dodgers! Great job on the hat LG!
6. hanging wrote:
 Lol! The influence of my husband, I watch them almost everyday. Loney did hit the home run today, yay!
7. Willow wrote:
 Great ball cap.
8. ANGELAotheracct wrote:
 :D did you ever think this could be a controversial topic? So, what's next with our Dodger Blue?