Title: Let's Tango
created on 29 May 11

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. five wrote:
 all your dancers are fabulous
2. Chrissyjoy wrote:
 You make all your dancers come alive! The movement in this is wonderful. I'm loving your series!
3. Normal wrote:
 You've got me longing for the days before arthritic hips! Wonderful.
4. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Let's Tango on!
5. Saxon wrote:
 I like the feel of the dance.
6. indigo wrote:
 Ditto! Love the dance!
7. Lizzi wrote:
 I love the clothes! Purple and red and that dress is a winner!
8. jennifk wrote:
 Lovely movement. And the sex appeal!
9. DilCoura wrote:
10. KJLavigne wrote:
11. mdawrcn wrote:
 Love the colors and movement.
12. pinkie wrote:
 Good faces . Nice colorful outfits. Wonderful Tango movement!