Title: Twist & Turns of Casey Anthony's story
created on 25 May 11

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. Burgandy wrote:
 I feel strongly about this case, and this pic is so not deserving of her crime and her actions - but I do understand the twists and turns. George has nothing to do with it!!!
2. indigo wrote:
 Beautiful colors and design rosie! No comment on the story, such a tragic end to a beautiful, innocent little angel.
3. five wrote:
 the drawing is nice
4. 56rosie wrote:
 Thanks for your comments..I doodled this while watching the defense opening statements..AMAZING the lies told over and over and over again..without end.. The truth will never be known I fear.
5. KJLavigne wrote:
 Pretty pic, anyway.
6. hjjr wrote:
 this pic is too pretty for that ugly story. . .
7. Burgandy wrote:
 Hey Rosie - I have been watching the C.A. saga unfold for 3 years. The prosecution put it out there - the defense put to many other people on trial (reasonable doubt) and in the end she walks. No Justice done - but so many connected to and loved Caylee
8. Burgandy wrote:
 Hopefully something will come to this to protect our children before something happens.