Title: Paiol para guardar milho.
created on 24 May 11

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 Good picture! It keeps your corn high and dry.
2. lesley_gene wrote:
 Maravilhosa Eu gosto de this muita.
3. firefighter243 wrote:
 very beautiful!
4. courairacema wrote:
 ficou parecendo o paiol do nivaldo , adorei...
5. priya41 wrote:
 very nice
6. KJLavigne wrote:
 Muy bien hecho!
7. pinkie wrote:
 Good picture!
8. ceniracoura wrote:
 Dil ficou lindo.So bateu muitas saudades da casa da vozinha... parabenes!!!!
9. Saxon wrote:
 Muito bom
10. Login wrote:
 I like this ... excellent use of background.
11. hjjr wrote:
 interesting and clever