Title: please help yourselves to blueberry cake
created on 17 May 11

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. ANGELAotheracct wrote:
 YUM! Looks very very good. and thanks, perfect with the morning coffee.
2. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Hey! Another good chuckle, good morning!
3. indigo wrote:
 I just logged in and I'm hungry and the first pic I see is this DELICIOUS looking cake! A man who can bake... ;]
4. 12donuts wrote:
 NEATO! You are an artist! I am hungrrrrrrrry! Yummy. MMMMM-MMMM-MMMMMMMMMMMMM!
5. lesley_gene wrote:
 You can add me to the list of hungry people after seeing your cake...mmmm
6. Normal wrote:
 Thank you! It's delicious. They're still too expensive here, but soon!
7. Lizzi wrote:
 Very healthy choice, a superfood cake! Nice!
8. Burgandy wrote:
 I must be hungry - cause this looks delicious!!