Title: Vacation Time!Send Slice somewhere
created on 13 Apr 11

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. alanator wrote:
 Give Slice ideas and destinations to your country,city or anywhere Slice can see great places and harvest new goodies from abroad.See ya soon!
2. Hazer wrote:
 How about Banff, Alberta?
3. lesley_gene wrote:
 Glad to see Slice is getting away. How 'bout the California desert! Lots of cactus!
4. Ilikecolor wrote:
 Maybe Slice can travel to Thailand to see the world's largest fruit - the jackfruit!
5. DilCoura wrote:
6. bluemoon wrote:
 The Galápagos Islands?
7. Login wrote:
 Good idea ... give him a slice of life.
8. Normal wrote:
 A tropical beach might be fun. Just be careful he doesn't turn into a raisin!
9. Brunnhilde wrote:
 This is a brilliant picture - can he come over to the UK?
10. Lizzi wrote:
 To attend THE wedding?
11. Normal wrote:
 Right, beaches not active enough for slice. But wedding? Perish the thought!