Title: Have you seen my Human?
created on 10 Apr 11

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. indigo wrote:
 COOL pic! Love it, so funny!
2. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Groovy & very Fun!
3. Lizzi wrote:
 LOL, so funny! Is this why they get stuck way up a tree and can't get down? I'd better make sure mine don't misplace me!
4. Login wrote:
 Wow .. that's a fantastic view you have up there! Your human went out looking for you a while back. She'll have no idea you are up the pole ... but she may have had her suspicions.
5. Brunnhilde wrote:
 Ho! Ho! VERY GOOD - I just love the idea that we are only there for their wellbeing.
6. five wrote:
 too cute
7. DilCoura wrote:
8. hanging wrote:
 so funny and love the way how clinging to the tree!
9. KJLavigne wrote:
10. suzytron wrote:
 great animal-I like the tail and the background is very clever too!
11. Hazer wrote:
 Too cute!
12. Angela wrote:
 Way-Cool pic. They do say that, don't they!?!
13. Zozo wrote:
 love the tail!
14. Radrook wrote:
 Very Nice!