Title: furry dog
created on 19 Mar 11

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. haillen wrote:
 wow soooo cute dog ^_^ i like this pic too do u c u an artiest ^_~
2. Lizzi wrote:
 Cute dog! He even has a lawn and a tree. When the tree is taller it will give him a shady place to nap.
3. Lizzi wrote:
  BTW, when you vote, always vote 5. You are worth it and so are we all!
4. DilCoura wrote:
5. pinkie wrote:
 Cute little dog. Very well done!
6. KJLavigne wrote:
 Cute dog.

User: pixieminx

Profile Picture for pixieminx

Date joined: 31 Jan 2010

Number of pictures: 135

 Halloween 2011
 Endangered Species