Title: Esquiador solitário.
created on 27 Feb 11

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. AFSOUTH wrote:
 Very Good!
2. Login wrote:
3. Burgandy wrote:
 Master of the mountain!
4. mdawrcn wrote:
 Excellent! I love it.
5. lesley_gene wrote:
 Cool..love the playback
6. Normal wrote:
 Certainly looks a lot like the Matterhorn! Well drawn.
7. hjjr wrote:
 love that mountain!
8. indigo wrote:
 Grande montanha! Bem Feito! É que você esquiar? :)
9. DilCoura wrote:
 Eu? so quando deixar de ser medrosa.Ha..ha..
10. tarkio wrote:
 Beautiful! I love the action of the snow against the ski tips.
11. mrozowski wrote:
 Brava! Great action picture.
12. Login wrote:
 This is living life on the edge.
13. debray wrote:
 Beautiful!! Very creative!!