Title: seismograph; earth communicating yikes
created on 14 Jan 11

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. clorophilla wrote:
 Hi mecanc! Your pit fits well with the challenge "the 4 elements", for the Earth element! I'd like to have it there! http://www.thinkdraw.com/forumPosts.
2. Angela wrote:
 Cool. You must also live in SoCal.
3. Normal wrote:
 Well depicted!
4. nancylee wrote:
 What a great idea! And nicely done!
5. jennifk wrote:
 great idea with this one. Yikes back atcha!
6. mecanc wrote:
 I am not familiar with the challenges. How do I find them in the future? Thank guys for all of the nice comments and yeah So Cal
7. Login wrote:
 You're coming up with good ideas for the showcase.
8. methinks wrote:
 Challenges are usually in the community forum.