Title: Apology
created on 13 Jan 11

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. artdillon wrote:
  morse code??..nice idea.
2. clorophilla wrote:
 My poor English don't help... FIRST WAS NONSENSE? FIRST WAS NON SENSE????
3. clorophilla wrote:
 aNyway, I appreciate so much you deserve two pics at this unwisely dismissed code: the morse code saved so much lives and in some case I think that would do more in future!
4. Normal wrote:
 - .... .- -. -.- ...
5. Normal wrote:
 And how absurd am I for expecting everything to make sense in this chaotic world!
6. nancylee wrote:
 Oh Chorophila and Normal - I was trying to say that the first message was just non-sense dots and dashes to augment my telegraphy key - so I wrote another note. But I tried to post a comment here explaining, but clearly I failed.
7. Normal wrote:
 No, you didn't! I read it just fine. (My comment was about my reaction to the first pic with the key.)