Title: Another Year Down The Financial Drain
created on 28 Dec 10

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Comments on this picture (13):
1. 56rosie wrote:
 My prayer for everyone is for a more prosperous New Year! Our economy MUST improve...When we are at the bottom there is nothing to do but TURN AROUND! :)
2. kmkagle wrote:
 You are so right. Something has to give. I'd love to see people smile again.
3. Normal wrote:
 Whoosh! There it went. It's gotta get better!
4. Sakari wrote:
 I'll second that.
5. nancylee wrote:
 Awfully pretty drawing for such a sad sentiment.
6. Brunnhilde wrote:
 A blue hole - great.
7. mebu27 wrote:
 ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm falling.....
8. mekeys wrote:
 I don't see it getting better.Today the NEWS said we may be paying 5 (FIVE) dollars a gallon for gasoline soon..
9. mekeys wrote:
 P.S.I like your playback..
10. mekeys wrote:
 It might take a while to turn around,I heard on the news that the foreclouser rate is going to be 50% higher this year than last year..
11. Login wrote:
 Take heart, folks. It's many years since we had to tighten our belts but we can do it ... and we'll emerge from the lean times in better shape.
12. Login wrote:
 Anyway, don't you feel this pick is taking us on a journey ... it reminds me of the old Dr Who series.
13. Login wrote:
 -pick + picture