Title: Thanks for all the birthday cards
created on 23 Dec 10

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. mekeys wrote:
 And for all the nice comments...
2. Normal wrote:
 You're welcome! Hope you had a good celebration.
3. mdawrcn wrote:
 You're welcome Mekeys. I hope you enjoy many more birthdays!
4. Lizzi wrote:
 Many more to come, Mekeys! What a downer this must have been when you were a kid, a Xmas-season birthday. But I suppose better than Xmas Day or Boxing Day? At least you don't have to share it with a 'Holiday'.
5. mekeys wrote:
 I never really thought much about my birthday being so close to christmas.My gransons birthday is christmas eve now thats close..
6. Burgandy wrote:
 Hope you had a great day yesterday!!!!
7. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks Burgandy..Since I retired every day is a great day..