Title: I'd like blue flowers to match
created on 30 Nov 10

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. Geetha wrote:
 Pretty women.
2. DilCoura wrote:
 Parabens! parabens! parabens!!!
3. Hazer wrote:
 Love the expression!
4. Lizzi wrote:
 LOL! There's nothing like a good whine for getting your way! VERY good!
5. Angela wrote:
 :D ditto lizzi, fun pic. I'm back for now.
6. jennifk wrote:
 she knows how to get her way, doesn't she!
7. mum23 wrote:
 Great picture... what attitude!
8. Shanley wrote:
9. skynyrd wrote:
 Yes Dear.
10. mdawrcn wrote:
 Love this!
11. Login wrote:
 Pfff! She's got it all ... and she wants blue flowers?
12. KJLavigne wrote:
 A beauty.