Title: behind..... DETRAS....
created on 27 Nov 10

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. Hazer wrote:
 Hi polenta. She looks so sad...good pic.
2. Geetha wrote:
 I like the idea. nicely done.
3. Burgandy wrote:
 This is cute. Looks like me checking the weather before my morning cup of coffee:)
4. hanging wrote:
 Good idea and pic! Ditto Hazer, she does look sad...
5. Normal wrote:
 Must be interesting activity on her street she's checking out. Nice one.
6. Login wrote:
 An interesting idea, polenta ... nicely done.
7. indigo wrote:
 LOL! Very cool Avatar pic!
8. Shanley wrote:
 poor girl!
9. Lizzi wrote:
 Is she looking in, or out? Interesting picture.
10. skynyrd wrote:
 Hi Polenta , its a nice day!!
11. clorophilla wrote:
 home can be a jail... some days!
12. Brunnhilde wrote:
 That Monday morning feeling - on a Saturday ....
13. DilCoura wrote:
 Coitada,está preocupada com alguem que não chega.
14. suzze wrote: