Title: House with farm.
created on 23 Nov 10

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Comments on this picture (16):
1. abror wrote:
2. polenta wrote:
 ... yes, and very real!!!
3. Hazer wrote:
 Geetha this looks like a picture of almost any Canadian farm yard complete with power pole...very well done!
4. DilCoura wrote:
 Que linda casa!!!!
5. Geetha wrote:
 Thank you all very much.
6. Login wrote:
 Lovely scene. It was looking a bit like Hansel and Gretal's home until you introduced the reality of the pole and cables.
7. Lizzi wrote:
 Very nice . Geetha. Hazer said it...the power pole with the birds,- very realistic. Good one!
8. debray wrote:
 Yes!! I love how you have included the telephone pole!! Even though I consider them an eyesore in real life, it is a nice touch in this artwork!
9. zum117 wrote:
 like your style
10. tifsmom wrote:
 This is great. I love the telephone pole. Reminds me of my Grandma's house in Florida
11. hanging wrote:
 Simple and unaffected scene interestingly touches me...
12. polenta wrote:
 sorry my asking but in your profile it says your location is Saudi Arabia. Shouldn't it say India?
13. Geetha wrote:
 You are right, I am an Indian, but my present location is in Saudi Arabia, as my husband, who is a Plastic Surgeon, working in King khalid Hospital,since 1998.
14. polenta wrote:
 I understand now. Small world!!! I would have never supposed that. Thanks.
15. baby wrote:
 Very Cool
16. skill wrote:
 Beautiful scenery.

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