Title: feeling observed..my belt is too tight!!
created on 27 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. indigo wrote:
 LOL! Nice outfit!
2. Lizzi wrote:
 HaHaHa! You are always quick on the draw!
3. Lizzi wrote:
 I just read your comment in the forum. Thanks for responding. Why do you think I never vote? I vote all the time and it works. I followed Hangings instructions and now am saving Faves. I just had to do things in the right order.
4. Lizzi wrote:
 I don't vote on eveything...do I not have a limited number of votes? I have read that we only have 5. Is there a place where all this info is posted? Tks.
5. Normal wrote:
 But such a jazzy outfit!
6. shams wrote:
 lol,great guy.
7. pino wrote:
 funny looking
8. tamara62 wrote:
 very nice
9. concetta wrote:
 lol, great