Title: Guarda che bellezza!!!
created on 23 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. DilCoura wrote:
 polenta,está o máximo a sua garota!!!!!
2. arty wrote:
 Sorry I don't understand the title, but a very pretty costume
3. arty wrote:
 Just hazarding a guess. Is it something to do with protecting, beautiful?? Please tell me.
4. Lizzi wrote:
  Look at (reguard) that beauty! Maybe Polenta is Italian? This is so good, Polenta. I love the hair but the whole thing is marvy.
5. polenta wrote:
 It means Look at that beauty!!! We know some Italian down here. LOL
6. hanging wrote:
 Look at the beautiful pic!
7. suzze wrote:
 Great use of that background, Fantastic pic!
8. indigo wrote:
 ditto suzze and lovely outfit!