Title: New REVLON'S hen enamel: MAD RED n.106
created on 16 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (17):
1. ansara wrote:
 Polenta, you're an artist!! You should send this pic to Revlon!!! :)
2. Lizzi wrote:
 I agree with Ansara, but...why 'hen'?
3. mdawrcn wrote:
 Wow! So good!
4. five wrote:
5. polenta wrote:
 hens want to be elegant too!!!!
6. Lizzi wrote:
 WE hens don't have to paint our talons. We can get a rooster any ol' time. ;O
7. mum23 wrote:
8. hanging wrote:
 hard to do with those nails... lol!
9. Hazer wrote:
 Fun pic, polenta!
10. Sakari wrote:
 I love the color.
11. DilCoura wrote:
 polenta, nota 100 para voce!!!!!
12. golehto wrote:
 cute & fun Polenta :) no good coffe either to day lol
13. danila wrote:
14. pinkie wrote:
 Very creative!
15. lionheart78 wrote:
16. Login wrote:
 Very imaginative ... and unique.
17. indigo wrote:
 Very well done! My favorite is Revlon Revolutionary Red.