Title: Trick or Treat
created on 14 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (15):
1. karbs wrote:
 sooooooooooooo cute!!!!
2. Lizzi wrote:
 LOL, so cute,...she's a serious collector, needs some wheels on her bag!!
3. mdawrcn wrote:
 Adorable, love the little costume and the pumpkin!
4. Login wrote:
 Rosie, where did you get that photo of me?
5. hanging wrote:
 So cute and sweet!
6. Burgandy wrote:
 She needs to use her broom, and take that big bag home!Cute pic!
7. lynnspotter wrote:
 The eyes drew me in! Love the light!
8. suzze wrote:
 Adorable, love the lamp post and flash light.
9. ansara wrote:
 Cute little one!! She/he would get lots of sweets from me!! :)
10. debray wrote:
 Miss being a kid!!
11. hjjr wrote:
12. 56rosie wrote:
 Me Too Debray! Now I just enjoy the pleasures through the eyes of the grandchildren. :)
13. Angela wrote:
 She's so cute. Great detail. I miss the trick-or-treaters.
14. danila wrote:
15. skynyrd wrote: