Title: Kolam3
created on 14 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. ansara wrote:
 Do you make Kolams at home? Think, they aren't easy to make! :)
2. Geetha wrote:
 Good morning Ansara, Hope you are feeling better. Well,In our tradition we make Kolam out side of the front door, with rice powder, this is a food for the birds and ants. Here in this country I am not allowed to do. Also back home everyday we make this i
3. ansara wrote:
 Thank you, meanwhile it's better! :) I know, you don't do it for the birds and the ants, but it's a nice thought, that your kolam is changing it's look with every animal, that takes a bit of the flour.:)
4. ansara wrote:
 What a pity, that you aren't allowed to make them in SA...

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