Title: 1 piece/1size "Salmon Run"
created on 12 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 Nice, Rosie! you have contoured them so well.
2. mdawrcn wrote:
 Very good!
3. Normal wrote:
 And they swam, and they swam, right over the dam! (My childhood was immersed in 1940s ditties!) Cool fish.
4. polenta wrote:
5. Pumpkingirl wrote:
6. mekeys wrote:
 Nice one..
7. ansara wrote:
8. 56rosie wrote:
 Normal... The salmon are running now in the Pacific Northwest. Amazing to watch those guys work so hard to jump the dams! And..I too am very familiar with those ditties.
9. Login wrote:
 This is goo-ood!
10. golehto wrote:
 this is veryyy nice :)