Title: 180th day(uno land continued)
created on 12 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. zum117 wrote:
 Ø§Ù„جزء السادس عشر اليوم 180 بعد عده مناقاشات مع حسن حول العمل الذى يود ان
2. zum117 wrote:
 Ø¨Ø§Ù„تجاره لما بها من متعه ومعرفه وتعلموهن
ا اخبر حسن الاميره بانه يوØ
3. zum117 wrote:
 Ø­ÙˆØ§Ù„Ù‰ 5 اشهر وكله اصرار على ان يعود الانسان الذى تتشرف الاميره بزواجه
4. zum117 wrote:
 Ù‚امت الاميره باعطاء حسن كل ما معها من نقود ونصحته ببعض البضائع التى Ø
5. zum117 wrote:
 ÙˆØ§Ù„عطور والمشغول
§Øª الفاخره ان ياخذ من كل بلد مايميزها
…Ù† بضائع ليبيع
6. zum117 wrote:
 part 16: 180th day after hasan had many discussions with his friends and the princess back &forth hasan found himself like the idea of commerce & traveling
7. zum117 wrote:
 specially that he has this friend that goes on river trips that takes 5 months to many places along the river to the far south of uno land
8. zum117 wrote:
 So he told the princess about that & that he want to get back from this trip as a man that she deserve..the princess agreed & gave him the money they saved & told him about cheap goods that are rare & Precious in the south perfumes,incense &
9. zum117 wrote:
 & of course some of the tablecloths she made..at the river band the princess and the mother fair well hasan wishing him the best of luck hasan rode the ship.. his heart is full of hope....
10. Normal wrote:
 We'll wish him good luck on his first business trip!
11. ansara wrote:
 Yes, good luck on his journey! :)
12. robotman wrote:
 best wishes hasan..may god drive you to the best lands & prosper your commerce.
13. Lizzi wrote:
 Yes, come home safe and a little richer!
14. Login wrote:
 ... while we make pictures for you to sell on your next voyage.

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