Title: HI SUN (fun Tuesday/one piece, one size
created on 12 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 :D - Coool!
2. danila wrote:
 yessss,very cool...
3. Normal wrote:
 Yow! An actual picture. These TD people are just so talented!
4. Pumpkingirl wrote:
5. mdawrcn wrote:
 I love this.
6. ansara wrote:
 Cool pic! :)
7. ansara wrote:
 Sorry, I answered on the pic, where you asked me a bout my danish... Flensburg is very near to the danish border, from the north of our town it would take you 5 minutes to the border. I'm living on the other side of our firth, so it would take me 15 minu
8. ansara wrote:
 minutes to get there. M I don't speak danish, but I can read it, and if the peole are speaking slowly, I can understand them. Danish is not a complicated language, but it is hard to speak, much difference between reading and speaking. In my opinion it's
9. ansara wrote:
 not one of the prettiest languages. :)
10. Login wrote:
 Nicely done, polenta. Sorry I've been missing Fun Tuesday ... must make a note of it.