Title: DO, RE, MI....
created on 06 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. flowerapo wrote:
 Awsome!!!! You might have this end up in the top tens!
2. indigo wrote:
 Love it!
3. Pumpkingirl wrote:
 Neat picture, the guitar is fab!
4. ansara wrote:
 Pretty pic with wonderful colours! :)
5. mekeys wrote:
 A guitar playing robot ??Nicely done..
6. Lizzi wrote:
 And I love the pose, the stool and the shoes!!!! And the ambience! Well Done!
7. DilCoura wrote:
 Que belo baixista!!!!!
8. Burgandy wrote:
 simply delightful!
9. Normal wrote:
 Beautiful, Polenta!
10. hanging wrote:
 Love those green feet and waves among those blues. Great pic Polenta!
11. Virgil wrote:
12. mum23 wrote:
 Love this!
13. Login wrote:
 Love the guitar ... love the way he sits on that stool ... great colour combinations.
14. danila wrote:
 great guitar..very nice Polenta...