Title: Wanna sign it? QUIEREN FIRMARLO?
created on 06 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. indigo wrote:
 I certainly hope that is not your leg! Clever pic polenta ;)
2. debray wrote:
 LOL....Hope this is fiction...great pic!
3. Normal wrote:
 Cute pic - yes, hope YOU are not this bunged up!
4. Lizzi wrote:
 May I paint the toenails, too? ;-D. Good picture.
5. clorophilla wrote:
 Yes, it seems my view last winter... Hope these are NOT your feet!
6. polenta wrote:
 Maybe they were ten years ago when I fell in the street. My fibula... luckily I'm fine now.
7. Login wrote:
 LOL ... love the Red Cross sign on the wall. OK, I've signed it ... 'bet you can't read it from where you are.