Title: ce n'est pas moi
created on 04 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. hanging wrote:
 Great pic Polenta!
2. Normal wrote:
 Dieu merci! Cool face.
3. Lizzi wrote:
 Ce n'est pas vous; c'est le vent d'ouest sauvage! Interesting...I like all the colours and textures.
4. bluemoon wrote:
 very good.
5. mum23 wrote:
 How do you do it? I love your originality, always!
6. five wrote:
 who is it, then. Nice pic.
7. mekeys wrote:
 Ditto mum23 and all the rest of course..
8. indigo wrote:
 Non? Etes-vous sûr? ;) Well done polenta!