Title: 1st Artwork(uno land continued)
created on 04 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. zum117 wrote:
 part 12: (37th day) after the mother bought the thread & Silk the princess took 1 week to finish her 1st artwork & it was a real beautiful small tablecloth
2. zum117 wrote:
 the mother was astonished with the beauty of it and knew that this was not an ordinary tablecloth she never saw like it even in the finest shops of uno land
3. zum117 wrote:
 the princess said now mother u have 7 punos go buy some cloth for a dress i'll make u a nice one so u can go sell this tablecloth in the best shops of uno land
4. indigo wrote:
5. Normal wrote:
 Gorgeous poinsettia!
6. zum117 wrote:
 sell it for 150 punos only nobles should buy this . Hasan was improving quick in all lessons.they all started to feel like a real family the mother came back very happy with her new dress and 150 punos that the shop gave her & princess said: mother this i
7. zum117 wrote:
 this is the day u stop begging people from today you rest & only go to sell our work we together will make the best art in uno land
8. Lizzi wrote:
 This is a gorgeous flower. You are a good artist, and a fine storyteller.
9. mum23 wrote:
 Beautiful flower!
10. zum117 wrote:
 Ø§Ù„جزء الثانى عشر احضرت الام الغزل وبدات الاميره فى صنع اول قطعه فنيÙ
11. zum117 wrote:
 Ù‚ياسى لانهاء مثل هذه القطعه الصغيره وف اليوم السابع Ùˆ الثلاثون قد Ù‚
12. zum117 wrote:
 Ø§Ù„قماش لتصنع للام ثوب جميل لتستطيع ان تذهب لافضل محلات اونو لاند لتØ
13. zum117 wrote:
 Ø§ÙƒØ¨Ø± محل لبيع المشغولا
ª النادره والذى يبيع فقط للامراء ف اونولاند ÙˆØ
14. zum117 wrote:
 ÙˆØ§Ø¹Ø·Ø§Ù‡Ø§ المال دون كلمه واحده وهنا تنفست الاميره الصعاء ثم قالت ان Ù‡Ø

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