Title: Enlightenment (Uno Land Continued)
created on 01 Oct 10

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Comments on this picture (14):
1. zum117 wrote:
 Part 11: Princess Started teaching Hasan.she needs 30 punos to start making a tablecloth so she has a full month full time teaching and hasan was eager to learn he was happier everyday and
2. zum117 wrote:
 the more he learns the more eager he gets..princess also was happier seeing him as a child hungry for more enlightenment
3. zum117 wrote:
 she wasn't expecting hasan's mind to be so intelligent..in three weeks he could read & write ancient & advanced uno language meanwhile his mother is just watching & wondering what's all that about.but doesn't complain
4. zum117 wrote:
 they are all making their part of the deal so far..& now after one month princess has 30 punos that the mother saved so she asked her to go to the peasants in Buta Village where they have best prices & Quality for silk threads in Thursday Market.. the pri
5. zum117 wrote:
 Ø§Ù„جزء الحادى عشر بدأت الاميره تعلم حسن كل يوم طوال النهار ومعظم اللÙ
6. zum117 wrote:
 Ø­Ø³Ù† كان متشوقا جدا للعلم والمعرفة وفى كل يوم يزداد شغف وحب وفرحه ما اجÙ
7. zum117 wrote:
 Ù„قد اكشفت فى حسن زكاء غير عادى وقدرة عاليه على الحفظ والتحليل حتى انه
8. zum117 wrote:
 ÙˆÙƒØ°Ù„Ùƒ تمكن من تعلم قراءه المخطوطاØ
ª وهنا نجد ام حسن جلست تلاحظ وتحدث Ù
9. zum117 wrote:
 Ø§Ù„ان وبعد ان مر شهر كامل وتوفر مع الاميره 30بونو ارسلت والدة حسن الى احØ
10. zum117 wrote:
 Ø®ÙŠÙˆØ· الحرير ويبيعونه فى سوق لهم يسمى سوق خميس قريه بوتاحيث قمه الجود
11. robotman wrote:
 Cool..the story is getting really cool.waiting for the next part..
12. danila wrote:
 nice job..you are very committed to this...well done..
13. Lizzi wrote:
 Keep on spinning your yarn, zum117 - you have us hooked.
14. Lizzi wrote:
 Your picture is good. I like especailly the corner of the page.

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