Title: My attempt at a tree
created on 27 Sep 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. danila wrote:
2. polenta wrote:
3. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for your comments..
4. Lizzi wrote:
 And a very good tree it is, using the flower toolbox!
5. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks Lizzi..I'm not to happy with the way the leaves,It's just hard for me to get the hang of it..
6. Burgandy wrote:
 Very good attempt! What's not to like on this one?
7. Angela wrote:
 It is a tree! I see it as your success of a tree.
8. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks you guys I appreciate your comments..
9. indigo wrote:
 Good tree! I find trees hard to do also...but I like the perspective of this tree, it looks strong!
10. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks indigo..