Title: Guess ( read clues)
created on 27 Sep 10

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Comments on this picture (17):
1. polenta wrote:
 it has six letters, one of them goes two times in the word.
2. polenta wrote:
 today is a good day to mention it
3. polenta wrote:
 In fact two of its letters are doubled.
4. polenta wrote:
 The word has 3 vowels and 3 consonants.
5. polenta wrote:
 I use it a lot. Do you?
6. 56rosie wrote:
 Hmmmm.. got me thinking...
7. polenta wrote:
 the consonant that is used twice is not very, very used in English.
8. polenta wrote:
 It has to do with A LOT OF MONEY, billions maybe?
9. 56rosie wrote:
 AHHH!!! I use this a lot!! "Google" that is my guess
10. 56rosie wrote:
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOOGLE!! 12 years old!
11. polenta wrote:
 happy birthday
12. 56rosie wrote:
 WHOO HOO!! this one had me going though! Very good puzzle and clues!
13. Login wrote:
 Good gracious, polenta, may I suggest that 'g' is used often in English. There are vegetables in my garden called cabbages, logs in the garage, along with gear oil, garbage bags, hand-cleaning gel, a toboggan and a great ragged sunshade that should have b
14. Login wrote:
 ... been slung out ages ago. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed your guessing game (29 Gs).
15. 56rosie wrote:
 Login...you are cracking me up!!
16. Login wrote:
 (giggle)... got carried away and googled what you said on my drawing ... you're right, g insn't used as often as s, n, m, r or l ... (9 Gs).
17. DilCoura wrote:
 Clever and funny !!!! (gracias for your reply!I found the Forum comment!)