Title: Candy for Playback
created on 25 Sep 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. mdawrcn wrote:
 Wow! That was fantastic! A lot of patience and work.
2. Lizzi wrote:
 I'll second that. That's a lot of candy!
3. Hazer wrote:
 Very Cool, Mel!
4. polenta wrote:
 pretty mekeys, you know how to do these beauties.
5. Burgandy wrote:
 Amazing playback! I love this one.
6. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for all your comments..
7. Normal wrote:
 Astonishing patience to do this sequentially! Great.
8. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks Normal..It took a long time to do because I tried to keep the circles as round as I could..
9. hjjr wrote:
 another great one . . .
10. indigo wrote:
 It's always a treat to watch your playbacks...this one is beautiful and I appreciate all the work AND it looks delicious, LOL ;)