Title: Back to Gothic Design.GD No.3192
created on 24 Sep 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 :-D...I reckon this is your home-sweet-home!
2. mekeys wrote:
 You are right!!
3. mekeys wrote:
 The last page feature is still in my gothic gallery..
4. indigo wrote:
 I don't blame you...I like it here too!:) I see your four pics of colored dots to my right, looks good!
5. Angela wrote:
 Simply nice ;) I see you've been BUSY!
6. mdawrcn wrote:
 Yep, I love the way those four pics look together up there on the right. Nice Gothic pic too.
7. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks for your comments..I see those four pictures.Thats Kool..A shear accident..I'm sure..
8. Normal wrote:
 Simple, but lovely.
9. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks Normal..