Title: WOW It's Thursday already ???
created on 23 Sep 10

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. mekeys wrote:
 What happened to the first 22 days ??
2. indigo wrote:
 Good Morning Mel...I know what you mean. I have an eye appointment on Monday and when I made it, I thought oh, it's at the end of the month...now it's here already! Have a good day :)
3. mdawrcn wrote:
 I'm going to be in New Orleans next week. Hope the storms will stay away for my visit, and the rest of the season.
4. Angela wrote:
 By the time I accept that it's September, I'll have to work on my Halloween costume!
5. Angela wrote:
6. mekeys wrote:
 It seems the older I get the faster the time flys by..I'll be 81 in three months..And thanks for all the comments..