Title: KISSES Spring comes tomorrow!!!
created on 22 Sep 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. mdawrcn wrote:
 For us it is Autumn. Happy Spring!
2. Angela wrote:
 Fall here as well. Nice happy pic & wonderful Spring welcomer! Wish we were Spring too.
3. indigo wrote:
 LOL! Nice lips! Have a wonderful Spring polenta! I love the anticipation of the seasons. Here the trees are turning red, orange, yellow. Later a blanket of white...
4. Normal wrote:
 That'll be an autumn kiss for all of us up here. Enjoy your spring!
5. Lizzi wrote:
 I forget that Uruguay is 'downunder' with opposite seasons to ours. Enjoy!
6. Hazer wrote:
 A lovely time of year...enjoy!
7. Dragon wrote:
 I was sad because summer is ending for us, but now I can be happy imagining you welcoming spring.
8. Meander wrote:
 yes Dragon, I think it's sad too. summer always seems to go by so fast!
9. zum117 wrote:
 for u its summer I like this pic & all your
10. zum117 wrote:
 in our country it is the summer its so hot that year