Title: jewel Door of unoPearl palace(Continued)
created on 20 Sep 10

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. zum117 wrote:
 part 7: the beggar took the bracelet she found and ran to the royal palace (pearl palace) she insisted to meet the king himself to give him back his lost bracelet..her sun was astonished with all the jewels on the palace door..she only got to meet the ki
2. zum117 wrote:
 she finally met the king after 2 days of waiting..the king was really grateful for her honesty and insisted on her to have a good meal with her sun and gave her some gifts...she refused ..she believe that honesty is not to be rewarded
3. nasonaso wrote:
 Ù…هم التركيز على الرسم علشان لفت الإنتباه للقصه
4. zum117 wrote:
 for nasonaso قول لكاتى يرسملى رسمه ويفكرلى ف افكار جديدة للقصه هوه وننه وايه
5. zum117 wrote:
 Ø§Ù„جزء السابع ---------
-- عندما اخذت الشحاته الاسورة اسـرعت الى القصـر الملك
6. zum117 wrote:
 ÙˆØ§Ø®ÙŠØ±Ø§ وبعد طول انظار استمر لمدة يومين سمح لها بمقابلة الملك والذى Ùƒ
7. robotman wrote:
 i remember seeing a golden palace door like that in morocco.. think (Fes) is the city..or may be (Meknes)..i'm sure one of them . nice work

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