Title: Cam you believe it's the 18th already ?
created on 18 Sep 10

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Comments on this picture (9):
1. mdawrcn wrote:
 No, I can't and it would be ok if it felt like fall, but it is still over 90 degrees here and forecast close to 100 next week and no rain. Don't like it. and nice pic.
2. ansara wrote:
 I also can't believe this!! Time is running...and here we are having 57 degrees...:(
3. Normal wrote:
 As we get on in years, time seems to fly whether we're having fun or not!
4. Normal wrote:
 Just figured out how you got those bars bumpy at both ends - didn't know they fit. Guess you've learned EVERYthing about gothic by now! Neat design.
5. Lizzi wrote:
 It's nice to see gothic light and bright. Normal, I must be having fun all the time! Mcdrawn, it's 66*F here and I wouldn't trade with you for ANYthing.
6. mekeys wrote:
 Same here ,90 degrees and no rain in sight ,we are below our normal rainfall,but at least I don't have to mow the yard quite as often..And thanks for your comments on the picture..(or whatever it's called ???)..
7. indigo wrote:
 Time's a flying...I agree with Normal. :)
8. mekeys wrote:
 Thanks indigo..I'm sure I have'nt learned everything about gothic ,but I'm working at it..
9. Angela wrote:
 NO! but now it's 19th. Summer gone without even seeing a bathing suit. How does that happen?