created on 14 Sep 10

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. Lizzi wrote:
 Self-Portrait? Nice picture- it's like a candid camera , a slice of life.
2. suzze wrote:
 Very good, love the texture in the hair.
3. Hazer wrote:
 Nicely done. Is that what RE-TRATO means? Self-Portrait?
4. polenta wrote:
 No, it's that I TRY portraits but I'm never ever happy with them. RE(again or another time like in English) TRATO (I try) and RETRATO all together means portrait. It plays with words meaning, I try, try and try but it's never what I want. LOL
5. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Being unhappy with a portrait makes it no less good, we are our own worst critics, speaking from experience, your work is excellent and is still improving as you refine your skills, your pictures are amongst some of my favourites - well done polenta.
6. karbs wrote:
 I think this is great! I like the way you did the teeth. I agree with stevedover.